Friday, April 15, 2016

AP Traffic Police Recruitment 2016 Jobs Vacancy- | Govt Result

4 ) Fill it up in prescribed format and attach the photograph.. iv) three years in addition to the length of service rendered as a whole time Cadet Corps Instructor in NCC provided the candidate rendered a minimum service of 6 months as a whole time Cadet Corps Instructor in NCC..

ap panchayat secretary syllabus, telugu, all exams syllabus, study materials, audio materials, telugu audio materials, TSPSC Group 2 Syllabus, notifications updates, general knowledge, current affairs, pdf formats and govt job notifications. Telangana Police Recruitment 2016 – 29 SI PTO Jobs.

Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation. TS Police Age Relaxation / Reservation :. So candidates who are having interest have applied for Telangana SI Recruitment 2016.. The interested candidates are requested to check for regular updates on the website and apply for the application form as soon as possible the notification is released. Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir (SC/ST)


SC/ST candidates are exempted from paying this fee.

. Candidate’s age should be in between 18 to 25 years. Subject Marks 1 General Hindi 100 2 Constitution/ Law/ General Knowledge 100 3 Numerical and Mental Ability Test 100 4 Intelligence Test/Mental Aptitude Test/ Test of Reasoning 100. Up to 35 years of age. If you have any doubts, feel free to ask us through the below comment box and don’t forget to like our Facebook page.
Name of the posts Sub inspector
  • Male: 1652
  • Female: 412
Total vacancies 2046
Organization name Uttar Pradesh Police Department
Type of job Defence job/Govt job 
Announcement type Recruitment
Location for posting Anywhere in state
Official site
. 124 General Administration (SPF.A) Dept., dated 07-03-2002 while filling up the vacancies, the first 30% of posts should be filled following combined merit list of locals and non-locals and thereafter, the remaining 70% of the posts shall be filled up by locals only.

b)         weight: should  not be less than 47 kgs. General Studies – 100 Questions.

(APSP) (Men) in 15th Bn., APSP in Police Department  Height: Must not be less than 167.6 cms..

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Paper -II : Telugu Paper -III : Mental Ability (Arithmetic and  Reasoning) Paper -IV General Studies General Science , Current Affairs of India and International, Indian History , Indian Geography , Indian Polity and Economy , Telangana History.

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