Friday, April 15, 2016

Mrunal's SSC CGL Portal: Free studymaterial & resources

Differential Equation. (d) Section Officer (Audit)Examination.

SSC CGL Tier I Exam Syllabus :-.

 Physical Standards for the Post of Sub-Inspector in Investigation Agency:.

Punched hole/pattern –folding & unfolding,. Remember all the identities Geometry 4-5 Problems related to Triangles congruency, Similarity theorems, Circle chords and tangent theorems, Co-ordinate geometry etc


Comptroller & Auditor General of India- Constitutional provisions, Role and responsibility..

Tier II Detailed Study Plan will be available on Papersadda after the Tier I Result.. Below we have provided complete exam syllabus with Tier 1, 2, 3 Exam Pattern & Marks..

Applicants if you are preparing for SSC CGL exam and looking for Staff Selection Commission CGL Syllabus 2016 then you have reached the correct portal. The topics are Semantic Analogy,.

In last TIER, candidates will be called for the personal interview to check their Skills in computer and common Sense.

Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences, Punched hole/pattern –folding & unfolding, Figural Pattern – folding and completion, Indexing, Address matching, Date & city matching, Classification of centre codes/roll numbers, Small & Capital letters/numbers coding, decoding and classification, Embedded Figures, Critical thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Other sub-topics, if any..

Interested and Eligible Candidates Can attend for inter...

SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam Syllabus:. NOTE : The Commission reserves the right to make changes in the scheme of examination such as conduct of Tier-I and Tier-II examination in computer based mode, treating Tier-I examination as only qualifying etc.

Posts Tier I Examination (one Paper) Tier II Examiantion Interview
Proficiency/Skill Test Total Marks
Posts for which Interview is prescribed other than Statistical Investigator Grade-II. A. General Intelligence + Reasoning - 50 marks
B. Gen.Awareness-50marks
C. Quantitative Aptitude –
50 marks
D. English Comprehension -
50 marks
Total Marks - 200
Duration: 02 hours
For VH and candidates suffering from Cerebral Palsy: 2 hours 40 minutes

I.Quantitative Abilities : 200 marks (100 Questions)
Duration: 2 hours
For VH and candidates suffering from Cerebral Palsy: 2hours 40 minutes where eligible.
II.English Language & Comprehension: 200 marks.
Total Marks : 400
Duration : 2 hours
For VH and candidates suffering from Cerebral Palsy:2 hours 40 minutes wherever eligible.

100 marks Computer
Test (CPT)
for post of Assistant in CSS only
Posts for which no Interview is prescribed, other than Compiler.  same as above  same as above  No  Data Entry Skill Test at Speed of 8000 key depression per hour for post of Tax
Statistical Investigator Grade-II  same as above  Paper-I & II as above
400 marks
Paper-III Statistics
200 marks(100 Questions)
 100 marks  --  900
 Compiler  same as above  same as above  No  --  800
. (e) Complier (for O/o RGI)Examination. Although if you follow a systematic approach , you can easily score 30+ Marks in this section[which is a Good Score for this section]. The scope of the test will be computation of whole numbers, decimals fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School.

General Awareness – 50 marks.

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